Europe’s Evolving Role in US Grand Strategy: Indispensable or Insufferable?

6 June 2023
15:00 - 17:00
Ameel room, Rue des Petits Carmes 24A, B-1000 Brussels
Type of Event
The European Security and Defence College (ESDC) and Egmont
With Dr Linde Desmaele (MIT), winner of the 2022 Global Strategy PhD Prize
Respondent: Dr Giovanni Grevi (CSDS, VUB)
Chair: Prof. Dr Sven Biscop (Egmont & Ghent University) & Holger Osterrieder (Head, ESDC)
Successive US administrations have sought to instrumentalize their relationships across the Atlantic in pursuit of extra-European objectives. If global politics are increasingly defined by what happens in Asia, then what precisely is the purpose of the transatlantic relationship from Washington’s point of view? The United States surely has a long history of seeking European support for or acquiescence to its role as the leader of the international system. But whereas during the Cold War, Washington enlisted its European allies in a grand strategic struggle against a European power, more recently, it has sought to enlist them in extra-European struggles of different types. Thinking about the role of Europe in US grand strategy now requires new theoretical and empirical tools, and nuance. The transatlantic relationship is neither dead nor eternal and unchanging in nature.
Please register by 01 June.