Europe and Sovereignty: Realities, Limits and Projects

29 September 2016
Egmont Palace, 8bis Place du Petit Sablon, 1000 Brussels
Beyond “a major federal leap”, which seems out of reach for the time being within the EU, we need to move forward pragmatically and try to overcome the stumbling blocks that are preventing the EU from developing as an international player. How can this shared desire be brought about? On which jointly based strategy can we base our common interests? Is it possible to imagine the pooling of means to achieve the ensuing objectives?
8h30-9h00 Registration
9h00-9h05 Welcome address: Jo COELMONT, Senior Fellow, Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations
9h05-10h00 Introductory speeches: Michel BARNIER, European Commission and Klaus WELLE, Sec. Gen. , European Parliament
10h00-11h30 Round Table 1: Sovereignty, power, influence: what does this mean in the 21st century?
Moderator: Jean-Paul PERRUCHE, EuroDefense-France, former DG EUMS
Pierre VERCAUTEREN, Professor, UCL Mons
Maxime LEFEBVRE, Ambassador, Professor, Sciences Po
Giovanni GREVI, Senior Fellow, European Policy Centre
11h30-12h00 Coffee / Break
12h00-13h30 Round Table 2: National Powers and European Influence: how can these be articulated? How can the EU become an emerging power?
Moderator: Jean-Dominique GIULIANI, Chair of the Schuman Foundation
Pierre VIMONT, Associated Fellow at Carnegie Europe, Former Secretary-General at the EEAS
Rosa BALFOUR, Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States
Pedro SERRANO, Deputy Secretary General for CSDP and crisis response/EEAS
* Working language French/English (without simultaneous translation)
* More information, click here – Plus d’info, cliquez ici.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia, By Cédric Puisney, own work. CC BY-SA 3.0)