Challenges and Perspectives for EU-Israeli Relations

17 June 2015
Priory of Val Duchesse, Boulevard du Souverain 259, 1160 Auderghem
This restricted seminar will discuss the following topics: Which implications do the current developments in Israel have for EU-Israeli bilateral relations? Who are the EU’spartners on the Israeli side? What do these developments mean for the EU’s approach towards Palestine and the peace process? How can the EU exert influence on Israel? How do these developments affect Israel and its regional environment and the EU’s interests in this region, including Israel’s role as a strategic partner?
Chair: Felix Eikenberg (FES HQ International Berlin, Dept. Middle East and North Africa.
14:00 – 14:30 Input Statements from Israeli and EU perspectives
• Daniel Shek (Former Ambassador of Israel in France)
• Eduard Soler i Lecha (based on policy paper) (CIDOB Barecelona)
14:30 – 16:30 Roundtable and Discussion and conclusion of the conference
• Eduard Soler i Lecha, Daniel Shek as well as
• Dr. Michael A. Köhler (Director Neighbourhood EuropeAid, European Commission)
• Sabine Segal (Director, International Relations Israel Export Institute)
• Dr. Dimitris Bouris (Collège d’Europe, Natolin Campus)
• Sibille de Cartier (Office of the Foreign Minister, Kingdom of Belgium)
(Photo credit: EEAS, Flickr)