Demography in the Next Institutional Cycle


22 May 2024




Meeting room of the Egmont Institute

Type of Event


On invitation only


Egmont Institute

Further to the conference ‘The Demographic Transformation: Paving the Way for the EU’s Future’ organised by the Egmont Institute on March 25th, the purpose of this follow-up workshop is to build on the event’s conclusions, with the objective of identifying the interventions that would be further needed – from the EU level – to develop demography in the next EU legislature as a comprehensive EU policy.

To do so, the workshop will help to determine – against the background of the strategic orientation of the European Council from last year that gave birth to the Demography toolbox – the precise scope of the portfolio during the next political cycle, as well as the structures and budget line required for the policy’s appropriate implementation.”

This is a hybrid event.


(Photo credit: