Crossing borders, crossing paths: Tools for preventing conflicts over transhumance in the Sudano-Sahel

10 March 2021
Watch the recording of the webinar on YouTube.
From Mali to South Sudan, conflicts between farmers and migrating cattle herders have fueled violent atrocities, increased food insecurity, and endangered the livelihoods of the hundreds of millions who depend on livestock production. Cattle migration and trade across borders have long been links that connect African communities and economies across religion and ethnic groups, but livestock production systems are being threatened by erratic rainfall, land tenure reform, and insecurity. Responses to these issues are often siloed, even when they are deeply interrelated. Join us for an interactive presentation and discussion of a new guide from Search for Common Ground for funding agencies, diplomatic staff, and practitioners – Pastoralism and Conflict: Tools for Prevention and Response in the Sudano-Sahel.
Charline Burton,
Executive Director, Search for Common Ground
Andrew McDonnell,
Senior Officer, Search for Common Ground
Marc Fiedrich,
Head of Unit, Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI),
Stability and Peace – Crisis Response, Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding