The costs of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

10 June 2015
Egmont Palace, 8 bis, Place du Petit Sablon, 1000 Brussels
“The Costs of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” is a study that estimates the net costs and benefits over the next ten years of five alternative trajectories — a two-state solution, coordinated unilateral withdrawal, uncoordinated unilateral withdrawal, nonviolent resistance, and violent uprising — compared with the costs and benefits of a continuing impasse that evolves in accordance with present trends. The analysis focuses on economic costs related to the conflict, including the economic costs of security. In addition, intangible costs are briefly examined, and the costs of each scenario to the international community have been calculated.
The study’s focus is based on the premise that RAND’s objective, fact-based approach might promote fruitful policy discussion. The overarching goal is to give all parties comprehensive, reliable information about available choices and their expected costs and consequences.
View the study here. View other related material on The Costs of Conflict project website.
(Photo credit: EgmontInstitute)
17.15 Registration
18.00 Welcome words and introduction :
Ambassador Marc Otte, Director General, Egmont Institute
Presentation and comments by the co-authors:
Mr. Charles Ries, Vice President, International RAND Corporation; Dr. Ross Anthony, Director, RAND Israeli-Palestinian Initiative; Senior Economist; Professor, Pardee RAND Graduate School; Dr. Daniel Egel, Economist; Professor, Pardee RAND Graduate School
19.00 Q & A Session
Concluding remarks.
Registration by June 5, 2015 is mandatory.