Captivated by war: The Russian People in the face of the Ukraine War, Mobilization, and Tactical Defeat

16 March 2023
15:00 - 17:00
Club Prince Albert, Rue des Petits Carmes 20, 1000 Brussels
Type of Event
Egmont Institute
In his upcoming 30-minute presentation, Dr. Joris Van Bladel focused on three key points:
- The importance and complexity of assessing public opinion in Russia, particularly during times of war.
- The evolution of the Russian people’s view on thewar, and the consequences this has for Putin’s position and the stability of the regime. To provide a comprehensive view, conclusions are drawn on both official and non-official public opinion research in Russia .
- The challenges we’re currently facing in our relationship with Russia.
Chair: Prof. Dr. Alexander Mattelaer
(Photo credit: Ludmila Zorina, Pixabay)