Bridging Continents, Forging Alliances: Enhancing Military Collaboration between the European Union and African States in a Global Power Competition

4 June 2024
Club Prince Albert, Rue des Petits Carmes 20, 1000 Brussels
Type of Event
Expert Seminar
Egmont Institute and RHID
In an era marked by evolving geopolitical dynamics and global power competition, the need for strategic military collaboration has become increasingly paramount. The European Union (EU), its member states, and African states share common interests in addressing security challenges, fostering stability, and promoting peace on both continents, yet the recent coup wave in the Sahel and the arrival of Russian troops in the region more broadly have showcased divergences in interests, norms and expectations between European and African partners. In particular, the recent developments on the continent are forcing European states to reflect more deeply about which aims are to be prioritized, under what conditions and with which actors. This half-day conference aims to bring together practitioners and experts to explore past experiences, identify best practices, and chart a course for future collaborations in the realm of defense and security.
By convening this conference, we seek to promote a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in military collaboration between the EU, its member states and African states. Through shared experiences and thoughtful discussions, we hope to contribute to useful reflections on how to address current and future security concerns, fostering a more secure and stable environment for both continents.
13:15-13:25 Arrival and welcome coffee for participants
13:25-13:30 Welcome by: Colonel Éric Kalajzic, CSDS
13:30-15:00 Panel I: External Actors’ Competing Interests in Africa?
Moderator: Prof. dr. Daniel Fiott, VUB
Chinese Strategy in Africa: Dr. Alex Vines, Chatham House
Russian strategy in Africa: Dr. Samuel Ramani, University of Oxford
Turkish Strategy in Africa: Nebahat Tanriverdi Yasar, Independent researcher
EU strategy in Africa: Prof. dr. Nina Wilén, Egmont Institute
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Panel II: Review Past Experiences: Assess the successes, challenges, and lessons learned from previous initiatives.
Moderator: Prof. dr. Nina Wilén, Egmont Institute
Major General Werner Albl, Deputy Director and Chief of Staff EU Military Planning and Conduct Capability
Operation Barkhane: General Hervé Pierre, Commander of 9th Brigade of Infantry Marines
EUTM Mozambique: Major-General Nuno Lemos Pires, Former Force commander of the training mission
Operation New Nero: Pierre Dehaene, Belgian Defense/Kings College
Dr. Fiacre Vidjingninou, Reporter without Borders, Jeune Afrique
17:00-17:05 Concluding Remarks: Prof. dr. Nina Wilén, Egmont Institute