Beyond securisation: tackling terror in Africa

10 July 2014
Egmont Palace, Brussels 10:30-13:00
In this Africa Briefing the conclusions of the recently published book ”Time for a new approach on terror in Africa?“ will be presented. The aim of this briefing is to question dominant views on insurgency groups in Africa, presenting a more nuanced approach to local positions and roles of insurgency groups. To illustrate this point two case studies will be presented: Al-Shabaab in Somalia and Boko Haram in Nigeria. Could the international community facilitate the creation of a long-term political process in which the grievances put forward by these groups are taken serious?
Marc Otte – Director-general of Egmont-Royal Institute for International Relations
Roland Marchal – Research Fellow CNRS, CERI SciencesPo Paris
Priscilla Sadatchy – Associate Researcher GRIP
Gilles de Kerchove – EU Counter- terrorism coordinator (tbc)
Jean-Christophe Hoste – Research Fellow Africa Programme, Egmont-Royal Institute for International Relations
(Photo credit: Jordi Bernabeu Farrús, Flickr)