Beyond ‘Conflict Minerals’: Artisanal mining as local livelihood ?

4 March 2015
Egmont Palace, 8 bis Place du Petit Sablon, 1000 Bruxelles
In light of the European Union’s proposed regulation on ‘conflict minerals’ in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and on the implementation of accompanying measures, the Egmont Institute, EurAc and OSEPI organize a study day to explore the artisanal mining sector in the DRC. This event aims to bring together a variety of perspectives, from institutional, policy, business, academic and civil society sectors, and provide a platform to exchange views and bring clarity to the complex debate about the kinds of measures that can effectively work on the ground to support a sustainable development of the artisanal mining sector in the Great Lakes region.
This is an invitation only event.
9:15 – 9.30 Introduction
Koen Vlassenroot (Egmont Institute – Brussels/ University of Ghent)
Frédéric Triest (EurAc – Brussels)
9:30-11:00 Panel 1: Stocktaking of current trends in DRC artisanal mining sector
Henri Muhiya (Commission Episcopale pour les Ressources Naturelles/CERN – Kinshasa/DRC)
Ken Matthysen (International Peace Information Service/IPIS – Antwerp)
Georges Mukuli (Southern Africa Resources Watch/SARWATCH – Kinshasa/DRC)
Sara Geenen (University of Antwerp)
Chair: Koen Vlassenroot (Egmont Institute – Brussels/ University of Ghent)
11:15-12:45 Panel 2: Assessment of mining initiatives in DRC
Eric Kajemba (Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix/OGP – Bukavu/DRC)
Jeroen Cuvelier (University of Ghent)
Christoph Vogel (University of Zurich – Switzerland)
Vincent Neussl (Misereor – Aachen)
Chair: Marta Martinelli (OSEPI – Brussels)
14:00-15:30 Panel 3: Learnings form other country cases
Marc van Bosckstael (World Diamond Center – Antwerp) (tbc)
Manar Idriss (Global Witness – London)
Danilo Urrea (CENSAT Agua Viva/Friends of the Earth – Bogotá/Colombia)
Chair: Donatella Rostagno (EurAc – Brussels)
15:45-17:15 Panel 4: Assessment of the EU approach on responsible mineral sourcing from conflict affected and high risk areas
Laura E. Seay (Colby College – Waterville/US)
Nele Meyer (Amnesty International European Institutions Office – Brussels)
Arthur van Mansvelt (Triodos Bank)
Judith Sargentini (European Parliament/GREENS-EFA Group – Netherlands)
Chair: Valérie Arnould (Egmont Institute – Brussels)
17:15-17:30 Conclusion
Frédéric Triest (EurAc – Brussels)
(Photo credit: ENOUGH Project, Flickr)