14 – 25 Oct 2021: Belgian Generic Training (BGT) on Civilian Crisis Management

14 October 2021 - 25 October 2021
Type of Event
Egmont Education & Training Programme
A new session of the Belgian Generic Training (BGT) will take place at the Egmont Palace from October 14 to 25 for 7 candidates selected by the MFA, the Federal Police and a pool of external candidates with the aim to participating in a crisis management mission.
This BGT integrated course stems from a long lasting partnership between the Egmont Institute, the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Belgian Ministry of Justice and the Belgian Federal Police. In order to strengthen and consolidate their skills, participants will benefit from both theoretical and practical modules taught by a wide range of experts but also previously deployed civilian and military personnel. The integrated approach of this program ensures concrete skills and tools for action by a thorough and multi-layered understanding of concept-related courses on civilian crisis management.
You can find more information on the BGT training on CCM here.
To know more follow our Education & Training Programme on Twitter: @EgmontTraining.