African Futures: Horizon 2015

7 December 2017
Egmont Institute
The Egmont Institute and the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) have the pleasure to invite you to the launch of the report ‘African Futures: Horizon 2025′. The report reflects on the major trends that will orient Africa’s future looking ahead towards 2025, and to identify the factors which are likely to have the most far-reaching impact on Africa’s economic, political and security trajectory. Valerie Arnould, Senior Research Fellow at the Egmont Institute; Francesco Strazzari, Associate Professor at the Saint’ Anna School of Advanced Studies; and Alex Vines, Research Director for Area Studies and International Law at Chatham House will be presenting the main findings of the report. Following which, Jobst von Kirchmann, Head of Unit Southern Africa and Indian Ocean at the European Commission DG International Cooperation and Development, Nicoletta Pirozzi, Head of EU Programme at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, will present their reflections on the report.
(Photo credit:, Flickr)