A war turned in on itself: How conflict in the Congo became self-perpetuating

17 January 2023
zoom meeting
Type of Event
Africa Seminar
Egmont Institute
Watch the video of the webinar here.
The Egmont Institute has the pleasure to invite you to an Africa Seminar with Prof. Jason Stearns, PhD, Assistant Professor at the Simon Fraser University and author of The War that Doesn’t Say its Name and Dancing in the Glory of Monsters. He is the founder of the Congo Research Group which in turn created Ebuteli, the first Congolese independent political analysis unit in the DRC.
In his latest book, “The War That Doesn’t Say Its Name,” Jason Stearns investigates the most recent phase of what has been dubbed a “forever war”. He argues that the fighting has become an end in itself, carried forward in substantial part through the apathy and complicity of local and international actors. Regardless of the suffering, there has emerged a narrow military bourgeoisie of commanders and politicians for whom the conflict is a source of survival, dignity, and profit. Foreign donors provide humanitarian aid, preventing the Congolese state from collapsing, without yielding transformational change. In this seminar, Dr. Stearns will examine the interests of the main players—the Congolese and Rwandan states and foreign donors.
Please register by 13 January.
The Zoom Webinar – link will be sent at a later date.
Please note that this Egmont webinar is held on the record and a videorecording can be made available in the public domain.