
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LX:Issue 1 (2007): GLOBAL EUROPE – Special Issue on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and the 60th anniversary of the Institute

Préface, Etienne Davignon Introduction. Global Europe: A Vision — A Power?, Sven Biscop SECURITY – The EU and the Middle East Peace Process: A Balance, Costanza Musu – Europe and […]


BOUNCE Expert Meeting

On invitation only

12.30      Registration and Lunch 14.00      Introduction – Egmont Institute Thomas Renard, Senior Research Fellow on Terrorism and      (Counter-)radicalization 14.15      Presentation of the research report and self-evaluation tool – University of […]

Regional developments in the Gulf

On invitation only

Seminar with H.E. Dr. Sh. Abdulla AL KHALIFA, Undersecretary of International Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Chairman of the Bahrain Centre for Strategic, […]