
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LXVII, Issue 4 (2014): Various shades of federalism: Which responses to the rise of populism and euroscepticism?

Articles British euroscepticism and British exceptionalism. The forty-year “Neverendum” on the relationship with Europe by Andrew Glencross Historical “Monetary Unions” . Lessons for the current Eurozone crisis?  by John Ryan and John Loughlin


NATO-EU : An Alliance and a Union

NATO and the EU are often mentioned together. Officially, cooperation is said to be fine and even improving, covering more and more dimensions. Yet for decades now questions are also […]

Give PESCO a Chance

On invitation only

Many European politicians and officials have marked Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) as a breakthrough in European defence cooperation. Many think tank experts and other observers have been somewhat more sceptical. […]