
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LXVII, Issue 4 (2014): Various shades of federalism: Which responses to the rise of populism and euroscepticism?

Articles British euroscepticism and British exceptionalism. The forty-year “Neverendum” on the relationship with Europe by Andrew Glencross Historical “Monetary Unions” . Lessons for the current Eurozone crisis?  by John Ryan and John Loughlin


Emerging Technologies and the Future of Arms Control

On invitation only

Dr. Sibylle Bauer, Director of Studies, Armament and Disarmament at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and current Chair of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium,  delivered a presentation, […]

2022: A Year of European Defence

On invitation only

FULLY BOOKED   2022 was a challenging year for European defence: the decision to support Ukraine against the Russian invader, and the need to provide more depth to Europe’s own […]