European Affairs
Studia Diplomatica
Vol. LXI, Issue 2 (2008): Migration and development. Global governance
MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT – Unfolding the benefits of the migration and development nexus, Rik Coolsaet – The Global Forum on Migration and Development: a new path for global governance?, Romeo […]
De oranje knipperlichten van ons leger
De erfenis die België meedraagt, is dat de beloofde budgettaire stabiliteit nooit gerealiseerd werd. Geen enkel hervormingsplan, het huidige incluis, kon volledig uitgevoerd worden in De Morgen, 15 Apr. 2008. (Photo credit: saigneurdeguerre, […]
Studia Diplomatica
Vol. LXI, Issue 1 (2008): The climate change challenge: international, European and Belgian aspects
– Climate change: what are the implications for the international system and the European Union?, Franklin Dehousse and Tania Zgajewski. – The European Union emission Trading Scheme, Niels B. Bekkhus […]
The Kyoto policy of Belgium
Since the start of negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol, the Belgian authorities have always taken a favourable position towards an ambitious climate change regime, both at international and European level. […]
The coming energy crash and its impact on the European Union
The energy markets have undergone fundamental changes during the last years: the rise of oil and gas prices, the progressive liberalization in many western countries, various forms of re-nationalization in […]