
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LIX:Issue 4 (2006): Global Governance and effective Multilateralism: Eastern Europe; Transatlantic relations; China

GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AND EFFECTIVE MULTILATERALISM -Global Perceptions of the European Union at the United Nations, F. Creed -Recent evolutions in European Union Development Aid: more Europe, more aid, less development?, […]


15th Belgo-British conference

On invitation only

The Conference happens yearly and alternates between Belgium and the UK. It aims to enrich both countries’ mutual interests in areas as varied as politics, economy, culture, media or academia. […]

Conference on Belgium and its foreign policy

Egmont and the publishers Van Halewyck, Lannoo and Mardaga have the pleasure of inviting you on Wednesday 26 November to a conference from 18.00 to 19.30 with the authors on […]