
External publications

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The Commission proposal on reforming the Generalised Scheme of Tariff Preferences: analysis of human rights incentives and conditionalities

This study looks at the European Commission’s proposal for a new GSP Regulation from human rights and sustainable development perspectives. It focuses on proposed changes to the conditionality provisions with […]

European Policy Briefs

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The Future of the Arctic Region: What is at Stake for Belgium?

The Arctic region is undergoing dramatic changes with multiple implications for the region and well-beyond, with profound geo-economic and geopolitical consequences. These major developments and especially the gravity of climate […]


Belgium’s priorities for the Presidency of the Council

On invitation only

Speaker: Willem van de Voorde, Permanent Representative of Belgium to the EU Moderators: Elizabeth Kuiper, Associate Director & Head of the Social Europe and Well-being Programme, European Policy Centre Jean-Louis […]

Regulatory priorities in the EU financial sector

The EU financial system faces a number of challenges, including various fragility threats related to macroeconomic adjustments, geopolitics, anti-money laundering and cyber risks.  These factors add up to the physical […]

Promoting European Democracy and Solidarity in a Wider EU

On invitation only

Holding the last Presidency before the European elections of June 2024, Belgium aims to provide essential input for the next Commission mandate and shape the European Council’s Strategic Agenda for 2024-2029. In alignment […]