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The Commission proposal on reforming the Generalised Scheme of Tariff Preferences: analysis of human rights incentives and conditionalities

This study looks at the European Commission’s proposal for a new GSP Regulation from human rights and sustainable development perspectives. It focuses on proposed changes to the conditionality provisions with […]

European Policy Briefs

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The Future of the Arctic Region: What is at Stake for Belgium?

The Arctic region is undergoing dramatic changes with multiple implications for the region and well-beyond, with profound geo-economic and geopolitical consequences. These major developments and especially the gravity of climate […]


The Arctic: Eldorado or Curse?

On invitation only

This expert seminar examined the opportunities which climate change could offer to mankind in the Arctic. Actually, it appears that most of them remain illusory for the time being either […]

The changing role of the rotating EU presidency

On invitation only

Round table with Amb. Rory Montgomery, Perm. Rep. of Ireland to the EU and Willem Van de Voorde, Deputy Head of Cabinet of the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The […]