
European Policy Briefs

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A Safe and Sovereign Europe in a Changing Global Context

The Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations, with support of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in collaboration with the Representation of the European Commission in Belgium, has organised […]


Chinese investment in Europe: a country-level approach

On invitation only

Chinese investments in Europe have surged in recent years, becoming both a source of anticipation and growing concern across the continent. As China continues to grow, develop, and integrate in […]

Consultation on EU-LAC relations

On invitation only

The European External Action Service (EEAS) is preparing a new communication in collaboration with the European Commission, on the European Union’s engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), as […]

Pakistan’s contribution to the war against terrorism

On invitation only

Programme 15.30     Registration 16.00     Introduction by Thomas RENARD, Senior Research Fellow, Egmont Institute                   Speech by His Excellency  Mr. KHURRAM DASTGIR KHAN, […]