
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LXII, Issue 4 (2009): The external dimension of the EU Sustainable development strategy – Proceedings of the conference held in Brussels on 28 January 2009

?Theme 1 : The link between climate change, finance for sustainable development and human and environmental security in developing countries and the adequacy of EU assistance to developing countries – […]


Changing waters: towards a new Asia Strategy

This event explores an overhaul of the EU’s 2001 Asia Strategy, which appears more important than ever in the context of Asian economic growth and the US ‘pivot’, and the […]

Terrorisme et radicalisme religieux: quel rapport?

La radicalisation est-elle bien une conséquence de l’extension du salafisme parmi les musulmans d’Europe? Conférence avec Olivier Roy, Professeur à l’ Institut Universitaire Européen de Florence, Directeur du Programme Méditerranéen. […]

China, Japan and Security in Asia

On invitation only

The Asia-Pacific is a contested and volatile region. Japan and China are two of the main security actors in the region, but tensions and lack of cooperation between the two […]