A European commonality of destiny: Through social justice and strategic autonomy
On its course toward integration, Europe has now reached a plateau of impotence.
On its course toward integration, Europe has now reached a plateau of impotence.
The EU–Russia strategic partnership is running out of gas. While Moscow is finalizing the annexation of Crimea – at the expense of Ukraine and international law – Europeans are responding […]
François Hollande’s recent state visit to Washington featured in-depth discussions on international security and on military cooperation in particular. Is this signalling the emergence of yet another ad hoc framework […]
Diplomatic relations evolved rapidly. A few weeks ago, tension was palpable between Europeans and Americans, following the Snowden revelations and the infamous ‘F..k the EU’ quote from a US official. Today, Brussels […]
When they meet at NATO’s Wales Summit in Newport on 4-5 September, the European Heads of State and Government should not see this as the first chapter of
Solidarity is a founding principle of the European migration policy. To hold true, Member States must be faithful to their common commitment to European migration rules and implement fair burden