Studia Diplomatica
Vol. LXVII, Issue 3 (2014)
Articles The growth of transatlantic security cooperation by Frédéric Mérand and Ruben Zaiotti A strategic assessment of NATO’s SMART defence and its implication for Canada by Ian Wood
Studia Diplomatica
Articles The growth of transatlantic security cooperation by Frédéric Mérand and Ruben Zaiotti A strategic assessment of NATO’s SMART defence and its implication for Canada by Ian Wood
Studia Diplomatica
Articles When “Good Enough” does not suffice. The impact of crisis on institutional change in European financial sector governance by Aneta B. Spendzharova and Esther Versluis Banking union in Europe […]
Studia Diplomatica
Articles Effective multilateralism revisited. The European Security Strategy ten years after, by Morten Knudsen The role of the inter-institutional agreements in the development of the European Parliament’s external competences, by […]
Sven Biscop contributed the chapter on “Rising powers, rising Europe and the future of NATO” to this major new volume that analyses the impact of the rising powers
Jo Coelmont answers a question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.
Rik Coolsaet questions the supposed socio-economic root causes of the phenomenon of foreign fighters. This commentary appeared in European Geostrategy on 19 April 2015.