Defence does not get that much more
The Belgian government gives a new long-term perspective to its armed forces. Not that much extra money, but enough to maintain its significant contribution to operations abroad.
The Belgian government gives a new long-term perspective to its armed forces. Not that much extra money, but enough to maintain its significant contribution to operations abroad.
If we want to avoid large mistakes, we have to have the courage to ask large questions – and to consider the difficult answers. Sven Biscop gives us a taste […]
Carleton University organised a workshop on the EU’s strategic partnerships in April 2015, gathering some of the most prominent experts on the topic. On this occasion, Thomas Renard gave a […]
The terrorist attacks in Paris, on 13 November, and the unprecedented terror alert in Brussels over the past days have raised a number of interrogations, in Europe and beyond, on […]
Sea power: not a concept many would associate with the EU. Yet it was put to the fore at the very start of the Maritime Security Conference organized by the […]
The idea for a European ‘white book’ on defence is again gaining traction, but Sven Biscop argues that it must become an integral part of the work on an European […]