
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LXVII, Issue 4 (2014): Various shades of federalism: Which responses to the rise of populism and euroscepticism?

Articles British euroscepticism and British exceptionalism. The forty-year “Neverendum” on the relationship with Europe by Andrew Glencross Historical “Monetary Unions” . Lessons for the current Eurozone crisis?  by John Ryan and John Loughlin


Strategic debates in the EU and China: a discussion

On invitation only

The Egmont Institute organises a small roundtable to discuss key strategic issues in the EU and China. This roundtable aims to bring together some Chinese and European scholars, in order […]

Asian security and the role of Japan

On invitation only

Informal Roundtable Discussion with Prof. Dr. Makoto IOKIBE, former President of the National Defence University of Japan, currently President of the Kumamoto Prefectural University