
Security Policy Briefs

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From bad to worse: The fate of European foreign fighters and families detained in Syria, one year after the Turkish offensive

Hundreds of European “foreign fighters” are still being held by Kurdish authorities, in Syria. Their fate remains uncertain, as European governments are unwilling to repatriate their citizens. Meanwhile, security and […]


The EU Global Strategy: Implications for Russia

On invitation only

Last November in Moscow, Egmont and the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IE/RAS) launched a joint publication on the impact of the EU’s Global Strategy on […]

China’s Grand Strategy

On invitation only

Along with its rapid economic growth, China’s influence in world affairs has increased tremendously in the last years. The 19th Party Congress of the Communist Party of China in October […]

The Crime-Terror Nexus in Belgium and Luxembourg

It has become common to point out the connections that exist between criminality and terrorism. In Belgium, like elsewhere, we have witnessed petty criminals (as well as grand bandits) joining […]