
Security Policy Briefs

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Why the BRICS Summit in Kazan should be a Wake-up Call for the EU

This policy brief examines the growing influence of the BRICS in a multipolar world, as highlighted by their recent summit in Kazan, Russia, and the challenges to effective global multilateralism. […]


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The UN Pact for the Future: A Modest Boost for Global Governance Reform

Today’s multipolar world faces barriers to international cooperation. Geopolitical rivalries and divergent interests slow or prevent progress on critical global challenges, such as conflict, climate change, public health, migration, and […]


The United Nations and counter-terrorism

— CANCELLED —   Assistant Secretary-General Michèle Coninsx, Executive Director of the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) will discuss the UN’s role in counter-terrorism, and current terrorism […]

Conference Annuelle « Voisinages »

L’Institut d’études européennes de l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles organise avec la collaboration de : ECES, Beyond the Horizon, EU- LOGOS la conférence annuelle ‘Voisinages’.  « Assistons-nous à une perte d’influence […]