
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LX:Issue 1 (2007): GLOBAL EUROPE – Special Issue on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and the 60th anniversary of the Institute

Préface, Etienne Davignon Introduction. Global Europe: A Vision — A Power?, Sven Biscop SECURITY – The EU and the Middle East Peace Process: A Balance, Costanza Musu – Europe and […]

Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LIX:Issue 4 (2006): Global Governance and effective Multilateralism: Eastern Europe; Transatlantic relations; China

GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AND EFFECTIVE MULTILATERALISM -Global Perceptions of the European Union at the United Nations, F. Creed -Recent evolutions in European Union Development Aid: more Europe, more aid, less development?, […]


The Military Balance in Europe

On invitation only

On the occasion of the publication of the 2022 edition of the annual Military Balance by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Egmont and the IISS have the pleasure […]

Lezing “Geheim België”

In het kader van Belgische onderzoekers aan het woord, vindt op dinsdag 22 maart om 17:30 u. de lezing plaats met de auteur Kenneth Lasoen, (UGent – UAntwerpen, Clingendael) naar aanleiding van de […]