Time for a European Union grand strategy
One may not be aware of it, but in its 2003 European Security Strategy (ESS) the E.U. has a grand strategy – but only a partial one. Grand strategy is […]
One may not be aware of it, but in its 2003 European Security Strategy (ESS) the E.U. has a grand strategy – but only a partial one. Grand strategy is […]
Kristof Titeka, Joost Van Puijenbroeck and Koen Vlassenroot ask to the Belgian Foreign Minister, Mr Yves Leterme more attention to Conflict with the LRA rebels in Uganda, DR Congo, sudan and […]
The three presidents to be elected (President of the Commission, president of the Council and high representative) and an ambiguous treaty of Lisbon, they should live in harmony to avoid a paralysis of the European […]
External publications
The current global financial crisis is unique in that, unlike most previous criseswhich started in the periphery of the world economy, and whose deep and long-lasting impacts were limited to […]
A l’occasion du Sommet pour le 60ème anniversaire de l’OTAN en avril, les membres auront la tâche de rédiger un nouveau concept stratégique, ce qui provoquera sans inévitablement des débats […]
The international intervention in Afghanistan was a reaction to the terroristattacks on New York and Washington of 11 September 2009. At the time, the intervention could count on broad political […]