
External publications

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Pursuing an Integrated Approach to TJ and DDR in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

This paper is by Valérie Arnould with Karpate Tulinabo Buhurumba, Francine Baseme Mugaruka, Tshidembo Zawadi Alain and Jonas Mbavazi Kwonke, and was originally published by Governance in Conflict Network. This […]


The Military Balance in Europe

On invitation only

On the occasion of the publication of the 2022 edition of the annual Military Balance by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Egmont and the IISS have the pleasure […]

Lezing “Geheim België”

In het kader van Belgische onderzoekers aan het woord, vindt op dinsdag 22 maart om 17:30 u. de lezing plaats met de auteur Kenneth Lasoen, (UGent – UAntwerpen, Clingendael) naar aanleiding van de […]