EU funding: it’s all about give and take..
in European Voice, 15-21 July 2004. (Photo credit: Saikofish, Flickr)
in European Voice, 15-21 July 2004. (Photo credit: Saikofish, Flickr)
in Idea 3, Ideas Factory Europe, July 2004. (Photo credit: rockcohen, Flickr)
External publications
Courrier hebdomadaire n°1808-1809 du CRISP. (Photo credit: rockcohen, Flickr)
in De Standaard Standpunt/Opinie, 06 Oct. 2003. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Studia Diplomatica
-Flexible integration: what could be the potential applications?, Franklin Dehousse and Wouter Coussens -Co-operation in the second and third pillars of the EU, Koen Lenaerts -Economic Governance within a larger […]
Studia Diplomatica
-Multi-level governance in de praktijk. Strategieën ter optimalisering van de Belgische EU-coördinatie, Peter Bursens en Sarah Helsen -De nieuwe financiering van de Europese Unie, Herman Matthijs -Het taalgebruik in de […]