
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LX:Issue 1 (2007): GLOBAL EUROPE – Special Issue on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and the 60th anniversary of the Institute

Préface, Etienne Davignon Introduction. Global Europe: A Vision — A Power?, Sven Biscop SECURITY – The EU and the Middle East Peace Process: A Balance, Costanza Musu – Europe and […]

Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LVII: Issue 2 (2004): Vers le marché unique des transports ferroviaires: les avantages et les dangers de la stratégie européenne

-Le Transport ferroviaire -L’évolution de la politique communautaire du transport ferroviaire -La réglementation applicable aux entreprises ferroviaires – Les interventions publiques -Les règles de concurrence et le transport ferroviaire -La […]

Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LVI: Issue 5 (2003): Les conséquences micro-économiques de l’élargissement de l’Union Européenne – De micro-economische gevolgen van de uitbreiding van de Europese Unie

Introduction : Sylvain Plasschaert -Chap. 1. Perceptions relatives à l’élargissement de l’Union européenne, René Patesson et Pascale Steinberg -Chap. 2. De toetredingsroute van de nieuwe lidstaten, Sylvain Plasschaert -Chap. 3. […]


Iraq : Fight Against Terrorism and Fight For Democracy

With H.E.M. Ibrahim AL-JAAFARI, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq Chaired by Ambassador Anick Van Calster, Director General, Directorate General Bilateral Affairs, Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs

Opportunities and Threats of the Digital Economy

What will be the impact on our society of the use of artificial intelligence well beyond human capabilities? Will the mechanisation and digitalisation of the economy at all levels lead […]

Democracy in Africa

Nic Cheeseman will discuss his his new book Democracy in Africa with Nina Wilén and Tomas Van Acker, through an analysis of recent and ongoing democratic crises in Burundi, Kenya, […]