The EU–China Bilateral Investment Agreement: Between high hopes and real challenges
In 2012, negotiations over an EU–China bilateral investment agreement were launched to fully tap into the potential of bilateral investments.
In 2012, negotiations over an EU–China bilateral investment agreement were launched to fully tap into the potential of bilateral investments.
It could be the perfect fall 2015 blockbuster. The new horror movie coming to your neighbourhood soon. Egmont Institute has had an exclusive opportunity to read the script, and it […]
Capital Markets Union has three objectives. The first objective is to improve access to finance for all businesses but especially SMEs; the second is to increase the share of capital […]
Studia Diplomatica
Articles When “Good Enough” does not suffice. The impact of crisis on institutional change in European financial sector governance by Aneta B. Spendzharova and Esther Versluis Banking union in Europe […]
TTIP has become the new trade game for the EU institutions. The players seem however to have neglected an important fact. Since the ratification of the Marrakech Agreements in 1994,
Railway policy has been one of the slowest areas of European integration. The first substantial railway directive was only issued in 1991, and the First Railway Package in 2001. There […]