
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LIX:Issue 4 (2006): Global Governance and effective Multilateralism: Eastern Europe; Transatlantic relations; China

GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AND EFFECTIVE MULTILATERALISM -Global Perceptions of the European Union at the United Nations, F. Creed -Recent evolutions in European Union Development Aid: more Europe, more aid, less development?, […]


The Military Balance 2020

With: Dr. Bastian Giegerich, Director of Defence and Military Analysis Henry Boyd, Research Fellow for Defence and Military Analysis Nick Childs, Senior Fellow for Naval Forces and Maritime Security Meia […]

Conference Annuelle « Voisinages »

L’Institut d’études européennes de l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles organise avec la collaboration de : ECES, Beyond the Horizon, EU- LOGOS la conférence annuelle ‘Voisinages’.  « Assistons-nous à une perte d’influence […]

The EU in the world: can the EU become a global actor?

On invitation only

EU lunch meeting with Mr Jim Cloos, Deputy Director-General for General and Institutional Policy at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. The EU’s strategic agenda for the coming […]