
Security Policy Briefs

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Georgia at a Crossroads: An Increasingly Illiberal Domestic Policy is Becoming an Obstacle to EU Accession

Georgia faces a defining moment. The recent adoption of a Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence, modelled on Russian legislation, clashes with Georgia’s goal of EU accession. The law allows […]


The role of the BRICS in the world

The Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussels Academy for China and European Studies, Confucius Institute at Vrije Universiteit Brussel are co-organizing an international conference on The Role of […]

The Taiwan issue and EU-China relations

On invitation only

Taiwan is a sensitive issue in Chinese foreign policy. The One China Policy is one of the foundations for all major powers in the world to manage relationship with China. […]

European defence after Brexit

On invitation only

Roundtable with Alexander Mattelaer, Director European Affairs Programme, Egmont and Dick Zandee and Margriet Drent, Clingendael. Institute Please find more information on this programme here. (Photo credit: Rareclass, Flickr)