
External publications

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The Commission proposal on reforming the Generalised Scheme of Tariff Preferences: analysis of human rights incentives and conditionalities

This study looks at the European Commission’s proposal for a new GSP Regulation from human rights and sustainable development perspectives. It focuses on proposed changes to the conditionality provisions with […]

European Policy Briefs

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The Future of the Arctic Region: What is at Stake for Belgium?

The Arctic region is undergoing dramatic changes with multiple implications for the region and well-beyond, with profound geo-economic and geopolitical consequences. These major developments and especially the gravity of climate […]


The Military Balance 2020

With: Dr. Bastian Giegerich, Director of Defence and Military Analysis Henry Boyd, Research Fellow for Defence and Military Analysis Nick Childs, Senior Fellow for Naval Forces and Maritime Security Meia […]

Conference Annuelle « Voisinages »

L’Institut d’études européennes de l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles organise avec la collaboration de : ECES, Beyond the Horizon, EU- LOGOS la conférence annuelle ‘Voisinages’.  « Assistons-nous à une perte d’influence […]