
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LX:Issue 1 (2007): GLOBAL EUROPE – Special Issue on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and the 60th anniversary of the Institute

Préface, Etienne Davignon Introduction. Global Europe: A Vision — A Power?, Sven Biscop SECURITY – The EU and the Middle East Peace Process: A Balance, Costanza Musu – Europe and […]


Cobalt blues ou cobalt rumba ? Les enjeux pour la RDCongo

Dans l’économie minière contemporaine, le cobalt est devenu incontournable et l’enjeu d’une compétition sans merci entre la Chine, l’Europe et les Etats-Unis. Quels sont les enjeux, risques et opportunités pour […]

EU Priorities in, and relations with, the Gulf

On invitation only

Luigi Di Maio will address the meeting followed by discussion. The Gulf region plays a key role in the geopolitics of Western Asia and the Middle East, reaching with its […]