Virunga’s White Savior complex
It is easy to see why the Oscar-nominated film Virunga has received such widespread acclaim.
It is easy to see why the Oscar-nominated film Virunga has received such widespread acclaim.
External publications
This article attempts to answer how Burundi has become one of the main troop-contributing countries to international peacekeeping missions. To do this, it examines how the post-conflict political settlement between […]
External publications
The Handbook of International Security and Development provides a survey of current thinking within the field of security and development. With a wide range of chapters that offer a guide […]
The arrest of Lord’s Resistance Army commander Dominic Ongwen may provide a much needed boost to the International Criminal Court. But it also highlights the complex challenges faced by international […]
This commentary argues that Nigeria’s inability to tackle Boko Haram has prompted neighbouring countries to look for external assistance and challenge Nigeria’s claim to leadership in West Africa.
Studia Diplomatica
Articles Time to go home? The EU’s legacy and future options in Afghanistan by Edward Burke Identity as a framework for alternative regionalism? An examination of the organisation of Islamic […]