Can the EU achieve a more Coherent Policy on Climate Mobility? The Nexus Approach could help

The EU has been facing one challenge after the next. This age of polycrisis is marked by the complex web of environmental, socio-economic, and security issues. Climate change will not only exacerbate these multidimensional risks but also impact the drivers of migration and mobility.
It is this interplay of factors that demands attention, forward-planning, and coherent policies from the EU. Strategic nexus thinking provides a framework that could help it achieve this.
Based on recent research conducted at the European Policy Centre, we outline how the nexus approach could lead to a less siloed response to climate mobility and the three policy tensions the EU will have to tackle to achieve greater coherence.
The rest of this article can be found on the EUI Migration Policy Centre website.
(Photo credit: Unsplash, Anton Lecock)