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Mobility and Labour Dynamics after the EU Year of Skills: Are we Fit for the Future?

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In 2023, an estimated 3 in 4 European employers struggled to find skilled employees. As the EU’s working-age population is expected to continue to decrease, existing gaps will become even harder to fill. Yet, over the same period, working-age populations are estimated to increase in many African, Asian, and Latin American countries. In this context, our latest policy brief aims to foster debate on enhancing skills mobility as a global priority and offers recommendations for EU and national policymakers as well as other key actors.

This brief results from a project conducted by ICMPD with the European Policy Centre (EPC), the Egmont Institute, and the Belgian Development Agency, Enabel, in the context of the EU Year of Skills.


The rest of this article can be found on the ICMPD website.


(Photo credit: bridgesward, Pixabay)