Vol. LXV, Issue 3 (2012)

– EU trade policy and the European Security Strategy. Speaking the same language in different worlds, Jan Orbie, Lotte Drieghe and Fabienne Bossuyt
– A “force for good”? External images of the European Union in Russian Political Discourse, Irina Khayrizamanova – The Europeanisation of contested statehood? European Union in Kosovo and the Turkish-Cypriot administration, George Kyris
– The EU’s security policy towards China: a liberal-relational approach to hard security issues, Martin Renner
– The Arab revolutions: the people versus the regimes and the regimes against one another, Brigitte Herremans
– A case of paradiplomacy? Italian-Libyan diplomatic relations from the rise to power of Gaddafi tull the beginning of the “Arab Spring”, Valentina Colafrancesco