The Egmont Education & Training Programme has developed extensive expertise in the field of public administration through support to the initial and continuous training of foreign public servants.

This expertise started to develop with a first partnership with the National School for Public Administration of the Democratic Republic of Congo, ENA RDC. This partnership has run for 5 years and increased over time. New partnerships are being developed in priority countries of the Belgian development cooperation.

The success of the existing projects and prospects for future partnerships led to the conclusion of a Framework Agreement for Cooperation in the sector of Governance and Public Administration between the Egmont Institute and the Belgian Development Cooperation Agency, Enabel.


Our approach for those partnerships is based on:

  • Cooperation with resilient structures who will contribute to the strengthening of their countries’ administration,
  • Peer-to-peer learning with the involvement of Belgian public servants in the modules,
  • Follow-up of the progress and of the integration of the future public servants.


The core objectives of our projects are:

  • Contributing to the training of future civil administrators,
  • Supporting the academic curricula through the deployment of trainers, international and local experts, diplomats and experts from the Belgian Public Administration,
  • Enhancing contacts between Belgian experts and local administrators for the sharing of expertise and mutual learning.

© Photo for Support to Public Administration from Enabel.

Where we implement our projects: