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Belgium and its foreign and external policies (2010-15)

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This special issue of Egmont’s academic journal, Studia Diplomatica, focusses on Belgium’s foreign policy. Prominent scholars review different aspects of the foreign and external policies of Belgium, over the past five years. This issue includes articles on the quest for a foreign policy, on multilateral politics, on aid development, on global health policy, on trade politics, as well as on the Parliament’s role in times of war.



  • Introduction: a fragmented external policy,  byThomas Renard
  • The quest for vital interests and objectives in the foreign policy of Belgium, by Rik Coolsaet
  • Belgium’s multilateral politics 2010-2015, by Michel Liégeois
  • Belgian aid in turbulent times. Some important evolutions in the period 2010-2015, by Nadia Molenaers
  • Belgium’s policy on global health: institutions, priorities and challenges, by Lies Steurs, Jan Orbie & Sarah Delputte
  • Belgium’s role in EU Trade Policy, by Yelter Bollen, Marjolein Derous, Ferdi De Ville, Niels Gheyle, Jan Orbie, Lore Van den Putte
  • Who is controlling whom? An analysis of the Belgian federal parliament’s executive oversight capacities towards the military interventions in Libya (2011) and Iraq (2014-2015), by Yf Reykers & Daan Fonck

(Photo credit: oldstuff4all, Youtube)